Hidden Sparks | Hidden Sparks at Ravsak’s Moving the Needle 2014 Conference in LA

Hidden Sparks at Ravsak’s Moving the Needle 2014 Conference in LA

January 20, 2014

E.Fox.at.Ravsak.2014Hidden Sparks Director of Education, Elizabeth Fox, led a workshop at the Ravsak’s Moving the Needle 2014 Conference in Los Angeles. Using the World Café method, the workshop entilteld, “Diverse Learners: Making it Work No Matter the Budget” addressed how a school can leverage its limited budger to address the needs of  diverse learners. Participants engaged collaborative in activities designed to explore models, structures and approaches that can enable schools to make the most of their resources. Together, they shared the practices and models that are working well in their schools, and explored curriculum and instruction options such as universal design for learning and project-based learning; professional development options such as online or blended courses, teacher inquiry groups;  and school-wide options — cultivating internal coaches and looking at student work together.