Hidden Sparks | New Grant from Tmura

New Grant from Tmura

February 9, 2015

February 2015 – Hidden Sparks is excited to announce that we have received a grant from Tmura – The Israel Public Service Venture Fund to support our expanding our professional development programs in Israel. Tmura is a foundation that aims to increase the involvement of the high-tech community in non-profit activity in Israel, with a focus on education and other youth related initiatives. This past summer, Hidden Sparks partnered with the Israeli Agudah L’Kidum Chinuch (Society for the Advancement of Education) to pilot its External and Internal Coach programs in schools in Jerusalem and Ramle this year. Over last summer, Hidden Sparks had hosted its Learning Lenses training program for educators facilitated by Claire Wurtzel, Co-Educational Director of Hidden Sparks, and Roxanna Neiman from the David Yellin College. With the support of Tmura, Hidden Sparks is able to offer the course again this summer with plans for expansion into six schools for the 2015-16 school year. For more information please contact Debbie at dknider@www.hiddensparks.org.