Hidden Sparks | Hidden Sparks Presents at Torah U’mesorah Convention

Hidden Sparks Presents at Torah U’mesorah Convention

May 23, 2016

Senior Hidden Sparks Coach, Esther Fradel Schwartz, presented at this year’s Torah U’Mesorah convention on the topic of Demystifying Learning: Helping our students understand how the learn. The 45 educators at the workshop participated in a series of hands-on “learning about learning” activities and Mrs. Schwartz facilitated the development of questioning techniques that guide students to become reflective and mindful of their own learning.

This well received presentation followed Hidden Sparks presentation at the 2014 conference on the topic of Learning to Look and Looking to Learn: Finding the Hidden Sparks in your Students, that introduced participants to  the Hidden Sparks approach for understanding what’s behind children’s learning and behavior.