Making Tefilla More Meaningful for Children

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Help your students and children find their own meaning in tefilla and establish stronger connections to their davening. During this webinar you will gain a better understanding of the development of prayer in children and adolescents and be provided with some practical strategies for enabling students to find their own voice, all within the context of using the texts of the Siddur.

Rabbi Jay Goldmintz

Rabbi Dr. Jay Goldmintz teaches Tanach and Jewish philosophy at Ma`ayanot Yeshiva High School in Teaneck, NJ. Before that, he was a teacher and administrator at Ramaz School in New York City for over 30 years. He received his ordination from Yeshiva University where he also received his doctorate which focused on the dynamics of religious parenting and where he serves as an adjunct in the doctoral program of the Azrieli Graduate School. He is the author of the Koren Ani Tefilla Weekday Siddur: A Siddur of Reflection, Connection and Learning, winner of the 2014 National Jewish Book Award, as well as the companion Ani Tefillah Shabbat Siddur. He also serves as Educational Director of the Legacy 613 Foundation Tefilla Project.