Hidden Sparks in Israel

Hidden Sparks is a proud partner with Society for the Advancement in Education (SAE) in bringing Hidden Sparks to Israeli schools. Since partnering in 2014, Hidden Sparks and the SAE have trained 42 peer coaches who are actively working with 211 teachers in 9 schools, 5 cities in Israel impacting over 1825 students.

The Hidden Sparks curriculum has been translated into Hebrew and Arabic and the course and coaching program have been recognized by the Ministry of Education both for 60 continuing education credits for teachers and for whole school pedagogy. 

Our Team in Israel

To view the Hebrew brochure click here.
For a program description and more information in Hebrew click here.

“You’ve changed many things in the way that I look at my students. I can now observe them more thoroughly and plan lessons that match the needs of students facing learning and behavioral challenges.”

“I liked it that every topic we discussed was not only theoretical but was actually connected to every day work.”

“I’m sure my work will become richer and more focused now!”

“I learned how to observe [student] and recognize difficulties and how to plan a lesson with different strategies.”


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