This summer, join the  over 1000 educators that have participated in  workshops and coaching nationwide with our SEL coach, Lily Howard Scott!


Already a regular? Check out our fresh topics for this summer or reach out for a session recommendation

All sessions are NYS CTLE eligible.

At the subsidized rate of $18/session you can register for a few!


Workshops Open to Educators Nationwide:


Thursday, July 8 10:00-11:15am ET
SEL x Math Instruction: Yes, We’re All Math People: Inspire even the most reluctant students to embrace their inner mathematicians. This workshop introduces practical strategies and resources that will empower students to normalize discomfort while solving tricky problems, to embrace challenges, and to operate with a growth mindset. Registration closed. 

Wednesday, July 21 1:00-2:15pm ET
The Power of Read Aloud: Fostering Community, Connection, and Metacognition: Read-aloud is where the magic happens. This workshop outlines how teachers and use interactive read-alouds to inspire children to take social, emotional, and academic risks, to connect with one another deeply, and to cultivate self-awareness. REGISTER NOW

Monday, July 26 1:00-2:15pm ET
The Dream Team: Cultivating Positive Partnerships with Parents: When teachers and parents are on the same page, kids thrive. This workshop introduces strategies (protocols, check-ins, and opportunities for collaboration) to promote  joyful, trusting partnerships between educators and parents. REGISTER NOW


This Workshop is  Open to Educators in New York State schools,

Offered in Collaboration with The Jewish Education Project:


Tuesday, July 13 10:00-11:30am ET
The Power of Student Agency: How Increased Choice Boosts Engagement & Investment in Learning: This highly-practical workshop outlines how weaving opportunities for student agency into all areas of the curricula boosts children’s engagement at school and inspires a love of learning that transcends the classroom. Note: This workshop is being offered in collaboration with The Jewish Education Project and is only open to teachers who work in schools in New York State. Registration closed



Hear from Rabbi Gavriel Wittlin

Assistant Principal, Orlando Torah Academy

Hear from Chaya Tabor

General Studies Principal, Torah Day School of Phoenix


“[Lily Scott] was a powerhouse presenter (someone who is in the classroom, on the front lines, and knows of what she speaks) who shares tip after practical tip in a meaningful and sensitive fashion. She was a real treasure. Honestly, it was one of the most worthwhile and well organized programs I’ve ever had the privilege to be a part of!”

-Teacher, Moriah School of Englewood, NJ

“Having attended PD summits in the past, I usually have a few takeaways that are great and the rest I feel was ok or a waste of time. This summit was WOW! I walked away every single day with practical tools and strategies that I could begin using right away. It was wholesome, rich, inspiring, and mind-blowing.”

-Director of General Studies, Torah Day School of Phoenix, AZ

“Lily Howard Scott is amazing!  Her ideas were relevant and spot on for the environment we are all facing going back to school in September. I love the programs that Hidden Sparks puts together.  The foundation of knowledge that each presenter carries astounds me and the manner in which material is presented is so well thought out and organized.  These presenters inspire me to want to learn more about best practices for educating students”

-Teacher, YBH of Passaic, NJ