Congratulations, Hidden Sparks, on reaching this milestone!  You started with just the spark of an idea, and have grown into a powerful program that’s profoundly affecting the lives of thousands of children and teachers in the US, and now in Israel. 

We are proud to have been a part of this expansion, and wish you every continued success in your vital, transformative work.

George Rohr
Rohr Family Foundation


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“ Let us nurture the hidden sparks in each other and ourselves ”
Debbie Niderberg | Executive Director, Hidden Sparks
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“ Congratulations on over a decade of helping all kinds of children learn in Jewish day schools. ”
Dr. Rona Novick | Dean, Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education, Co-Educational Director Hidden Sparks
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“ Hidden Sparks has an expertise beyond our expectations...has opened a new world of understanding to the educators they trained. ”
Marilyn Nachman | Director School Educational Services, Jewish Federation South Palm Beach, Hidden Sparks Partner
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“ Mazal tov on the last 10 years and best wishes on the next 10. ”
Claire Wurtzel | Co-Educational Director Hidden Sparks
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“ With Hidden Sparks you get to ``chanoch l'naar al pi darco. ”
Dr. Joyce Fruchter and Tziri Lamm | Teachers, Yeshiva of Flatbush