Hidden Sparks Without Walls offers educators and parents across the country, a new and convenient venue for professional development and growth, wherever they may be located.  The Hidden Sparks Walls online courses feature field leaders , such as Dr. Rona Novick, Ms. Claire Wutzel, and Mrs. Zipora Schuk, who are eager to share their knowledge and expertise.

Since its inception in 2008-2009, Hidden Sparks Without Walls has offered 135 webinars to over 5,500 participating educators and parents from over 189 Jewish Schools in 92 cities across 21 US States (California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin), Chile, Costa Rica, Brazil and 4 Canadian Provinces (British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec).  Many of those who participate in one session enroll in additional webinars and recommend them to their coworkers and friends.


Who Participates in HSWOW Webinars?

Many of those who enjoy participating in Hidden Sparks Without Wall courses are both secular and Judaic studies classroom teachers.  In fact, approximately 69% of our participants are classroom teachers.  But we have also had strong participation from principals, learning center coordinators, program directors, curriculum coordinators, school psychologists, student services directors, resource room specialists, speech-language pathologists, and administrators.  Approximately 16% of participants work outside of the mainstream classroom in student and special services and 12% are administrators, the remaining 3% have other educational related roles.

Check out our course archive!