Hidden Sparks is a nonprofit whose mission is to help educators and schools nurture the Hidden Spark within each student. We do this by developing and facilitating professional development programs and coaching for Jewish day school educators to deepen understanding of learning and approaches for teaching all kinds of learners, particularly those who struggle. By working with educators and coaching internal school leaders, we are committed to increasing the capacity of Jewish day schools to address the varied needs of learners so that all students thrive.
We believe every child is unique, with individual talents, strengths, affinities and challenges. We believe in the importance of finding and embracing the “hidden spark” within each child.
We believe in the power and responsibility of teachers and schools to nurture their students’ unique academic and social-emotional abilities and to celebrate their “hidden sparks.” When we invest in and support teachers, we invest in and support the success of our students.
We believe in the importance of striving towards a holistic understanding of students, one that embraces student’s temperament, background, unique learning profile, and strengths. We further believe that teachers and schools should seek to create opportunities for all students to shine.
We believe that the process of observing, describing and reflecting on students in their classrooms deepens our understanding of students and our practice as educators.
We believe that when teachers find ways to meet the needs of diverse learners in their classrooms, all students benefit.
We believe that teaching is a life-long learning process and that the most effective professional development takes place when it is embedded in the classroom, offers teachers sustained support, is collaborative, and empowers teachers with increased knowledge and expertise.
We believe in the critical importance of involving all who have different perspectives on a child. Collaboration among teachers, between teacher and student, and teacher and parent, increases student success.
We believe schools can build and sustain their capacity to teach an increasingly diverse student body by supporting teachers through the cultivation of faculty coaches, through ongoing professional development and through opportunities for teacher collaboration.