Hidden Sparks | Back to School at YNJ!
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Back to School at YNJ!

September 4, 2014

ynj_01-claireAugust 28, 2014 – Hidden Sparks presented an overview of the Learning Lenses to the 200 faculty members of the Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey as part of their back-to-school professional development program. The 3-hour workshop provided an overview of the major themes and concepts of the Learning Lenses course which helps teachers learn how to observe, reflect, and plan for all students in their classrooms and is a strong foundation for the practices that school’s three newly trained Internal Coaches will be promoting.

Reactions to the workshop:

“I now have better insight into how to understand each child and their needs.”

“It is important to get to know every child and help them advance based on who they are.”

“I hope to better be able to recognize each child’s strengths and weaknesses and allow them to thrive through their strengths and improve their weaknesses.”

“I am going to try to be more open to each child’s differences.”

“Each child learns differently. It is the teacher’s responsibility to teach the child on their level.”

“By being aware of each child’s individual circumstances, I can respond to each child.”

“It was so wonderful to think about what the child’s temperament might be, and yours [the teacher’s], and how this plays out.”

“The neurodevelopmental constructs help pinpoint specific difficulties in children as well as their strengths.”

“I will understand that every student is an individual child and world.”