Hidden Sparks | Media Covers Hidden Sparks Virtual Retreat
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Media Covers Hidden Sparks Virtual Retreat

February 9, 2021

Media outlets from Israel to Arizona are covering Hidden Sparks’ first ever virtual retreat for an international audience. The retreat, typically held annually at the Museum of Heritage in NYC, went online this year and hosted nearly 100 educators  from New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Missiouri, Texas, and Rhode Island and Israel.

Participating educators from 45 schools were able to choose from 11 lecture options that gave them tools in a variety of areas like topics like art therapy exercises in the classroom to teacher’s self-care and personal growth. Topics included Recognizing Anxiety in Myself and Others, Guided Relaxation Exercises, Building a Positive Psychological Toolbox and Personal Growth in Difficult Times, among others. Hidden Sparks takes pride in the fact that participating schools spanned the religious affiliation gamut from those identified as serving a non-denominational community to those serving Hassidic students.