Building Resilience in Our Children and Students

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Every child will face challenges, whether because of their own learning profile or temperament, or outside factors such as illness, family stress, and tragic events. Even seemingly mundane bumps in the road, such as a lost ballgame, failed test, or waning friendship, require children to be resilient, to manage even when life is not how you would want it to be. Resilience is supported by a set of teachable skills that parents and teachers can help children develop. This webinar discusses those skills and the strategies that can help children use them as tools throughout their lives.

Dr. Rona Novick

Rona Novick, PhD, Co-Educational Director of Hidden Sparks, is the Dean of the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration at Yeshiva University and holds the Raine and Stanley Silverstein Chair in Professional Ethics and Values. She holds an appointment as Associate Clinical Professor of Child Psychology at North Shore-Long Island Jewish Medical Center.