Harness the Power of Data for Classroom Excellence

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Explore the transformative potential of data-driven instruction in the classroom. Participants will discover practical strategies for collecting, analyzing, and leveraging data to personalize learning, monitor student progress, and make informed instructional decisions. Join us as we unlock the power of data to enhance student outcomes and cultivate a culture of evidence-based teaching.

Melissa Truelove

Mrs. Melissa Truelove is the General Studies Principal of Yeshiva Torat Emet in Houston, TX, and has over 15 years of experience in the field of education. She holds a an M.Ed. from Northern Arizona University in Educational Leadership and started her career as a teacher for 10 years at Tucson Hebrew Academy in Arizona. Mrs. Truelove has taught many elementary and middle school grades and subjects, for which she has received multiple national awards. She is passionate about many aspects of education, including data-driven instruction, curriculum development, instructional coaching, and presenting professional development workshops.