Weaving Social Emotional Learning into ELA Curricula (CTLE eligible)

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Emotional literacy—the ability to name, manage, and productively express our feelings and to empathize with the feelings of others—is a skill too often neglected in the traditional teaching model. This webinar will outline how elementary school teachers can weave emotional literacy instruction into language arts curricula through work-sharing protocols, brainstormingThis workshop will focus on specific strategies to support students who need a variety of strategies to build vocabulary. We will explore various types of graphic organizers, instructional models, targeted strategies and materials to support and enhance vocabulary instruction. strategies, interactive read-aloud techniques, reading responses, and more. This webinar will not introduce a replacement curriculum; rather, rather, it will offer specific ideas and practical techniques that empower teachers to adapt existing curricula to meet children’s emotional and academic needs.

Lily Howard Scott

Lily Howard Scott, MS, is a curriculum developer and social and emotional learning coach. She teaches in the Continuing Professional Studies department at Bank Street College of Education and provides professional development to teachers and school leaders around the country. Her work is centered around helping educators empower children to navigate their inner lives, connect with one another, and explore and empathize with varied perspectives. Lily presents regularly at national conferences and her writing about the importance of a child-centered, holistic approach to learning has been published in Edutopia and The Washington Post