An Orton Gillingham Approach for Teaching Hebrew Decoding

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According to research, more than 50% of all struggling readers are not diagnosed with any specific disabilities. Begin to learn how to help them decode Hebrew using a multi-sensory, phonetic approach based on the Orton Gillingham method of instruction. This is an innovative methodology that was developed after extensive research on teaching Hebrew decoding skills to children with dyslexia and other language and reading disabilities.

Sonia Levin

Sonia Levin is the founder of OG for Hebrew. In 2016, in partnership with Andie Greer, a fellow of the Orton Gillingham Organization, Sonia developed a unique revolutionary methodology for teaching Hebrew decoding, based on the essentials of Orton-Gillingham methodology. Over the last 10 years, she has been facilitating many professional education trainings across the country and in Israel. Sonia holds an MA in Education from Tel Aviv University, an MA in Jewish Education from Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, as well as a Special Education certification from Teachers College at Columbia University.