Supporting Students in Their Transition to Middle and High School

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Helping pre-teens, and teens adjust to a new department of schooling and the different expectations that accompany it, is an oft neglected but crucial part of education. This webinar will empower teachers of middle school, junior high, and high school to understand the key changes that occur, as well as some easy ideas for scaffolding and supporting students with intentional lessons and targeted discussions. You’ll explore topics indulging time management, study skills, healthy habits of sleep, changing social dynamics, self-advocacy, coping strategies, stress reduction, the hidden curriculum and understanding key school personnel.

Zipora Schuck

Zipora Schuck, MA, MS, is the founder of Pathways Consulting Services LLC, an agency providing professional development services to teachers, principals, therapists and parents. She is a NYS Certified school psychologist holding masters degrees in both special education and school psychology.  Mrs. Schuck  is currently the  Director of the Learning Center at the Beth Rochel School. She is a Catapult premium provider as well as a Torah Umesorah trainer whose popular workshops are usually standing room only! Additionally, she serves as adjunct faculty for Mercy College in their school of Education and Psychology.