Sage Guidance: Exploring a Learner Centered Approach to Teaching Gemara
This webinar will propose a learner-centered approach to teaching Talmud to “New to Gemara” students. Explore how you can scaffold chavruta time so that students can wrestle with the text prior to the teacher reviewing and “teaching” the material. This methodology will …
Literacy GPS: Assessments and Progress Monitoring for Literacy Instruction
Join this webinar to learn about a variety of methods for assessing the five components of reading; phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, to analyze and inform instruction and then to monitor progress. This workshop is for K-8 classroom teachers, reading …
The Write Stuff-Strategies for Teaching the Science of Writing
Writing is an extremely complex process that requires a strong foundation in spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and executive function. Without explicit and systematic instruction, many students struggle to express their thoughts and, subsequently, the quality of their written output suffers. In this webinar, …

Cooperative Learning: Best Practices for Group Work
This webinar will address best practices for cooperative learning, including: considerations of various grouping arrangements, proactive management techniques, and creative variations of cooperative activities. Please download the Chat to follow along.

Harness the Power of Data for Classroom Excellence
Explore the transformative potential of data-driven instruction in the classroom. Participants will discover practical strategies for collecting, analyzing, and leveraging data to personalize learning, monitor student progress, and make informed instructional decisions. Join us as we unlock the power of data to …

Developing a Student Centered Approach
At Kohelet Yeshiva Lab and Middle School’s inception, the administrative team articulated student-centered Learning Principals, derived from what is known about how children learn. Join this webinar to learn about these principles, how they are implemented, and can drive your pedagogical decisions …

The Fundamentals of Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a research-based framework that teachers use to design lessons that reduce barriers and increase access to learning for all students. This webinar will introduce the main ideas and key concepts of UDL, which can be used …

Reading and the Brain – Comprehension
To be a successful reader, your students’ brains are required to orchestrate a variety of cognitive domains for each part of the reading process. In this workshop you will have the opportunity to look into what cognitive domains are required for reading …

Learning Gemara- A Task Analysis
Learning Gemara is a complex task involving many cognitive functions and academic skills. Lack of experience or a deficiency in any one of these functions or skills can make the experience of learning Gemara an overwhelming task for a student. In this …

Reading and the Brain – Decoding and Fluency
To be a successful reader, your students’ brains are required to orchestrate a variety of cognitive domains for each part of the reading process. In this workshop you will have the opportunity to look into what cognitive domains are required for reading …

Taking Assessments to the Next Level
Assessments can and ought to be an essential component of the student learning process. This webinar utilizes psychological research to shed light on how educators may maximize the opportunities that assessments offer to foster student growth, in addition to evaluating their progress. …

Project Based Learning in the Judaic Studies Classroom
What is project-based learning? How is it planned and implemented? What place does it have in Jewish Day schools, especially in the Limudei Kodesh classroom? This webinar will present the pros and cons of using PBL, and share real-life examples from Jewish …

Strategies for Effectively Teaching Students with Language Based Learning Disabilities
Every year teachers have the incredible privilege and challenge of teaching students with a range of learning profiles. This session will focus on strategies to teach students with language based learning disabilities. Participants will gain an understanding of what they are and …

Best Practices for Co-Teaching and Teaching with an Assistant
One of the best ways to raise student achievement is through high quality co-teaching with a co-teacher or assistant. Gain practical guidance on applying effective models to your classroom so that you can incorporate station-based learning, observation time and small group instruction. …

Weaving Social Emotional Learning into ELA Curricula (CTLE eligible)
Emotional literacy—the ability to name, manage, and productively express our feelings and to empathize with the feelings of others—is a skill too often neglected in the traditional teaching model. This webinar will outline how elementary school teachers can weave emotional literacy instruction …

Designing The Space To Cultivate Creative Capacity
In today’s world, we have an incredible opportunity to provide students with resources and experiences that will help students develop strong creative and critical thinking skills to solve interesting problems in the world. In this session, Michael will share what that innovative …

Developing the Art of Asking Powerful Questions in the Classroom
This session will explore the power of questions in the classroom by examining: Questioning as an effective instructional technique; Questioning strategies that ensure active engagement and whole-class involvement; The Do’s and Don’ts in questioning – how to and how not to ask …

Multisensory Math Instruction for All Learners
Do you have a few students that you just can’t seem to reach with your instruction? In this webinar, you’ll be learning about why multisensory math is appropriate for ALL learners (K – 12) and why it is essential for students …

Teaching with Tech
This workshop will guide novice and more seasoned classroom-based technology users into integrating technology in a strategic and impactful way. In this workshop participants will review the SAMR Model and Bloom’s Taxonomy, two frameworks used by educators to help design tasks …

Tune Up Your Classroom Management: Hard Lessons Learned, Research and Neuroscience
The ability to run an ordered classroom is commonly ranked as one of the most important teacher dispositions, whether at the elementary, middle, or secondary grade level. We now know what tactics help students regulate emotions, engage them, and promote a pro-academic …

Differentiation for the Busy Teacher (Grades 6-12)
Are you looking to differentiate instruction to meet the diverse needs of your students Do you have concerns about it being too time consuming and complicated, or about it not being “fair”? In this webinar these concerns and obstacles to differentiation will …

Infusing Your Classroom with Montessori Elements (Pre-school – 2nd)
Many of us have heard about the Montessori approach but don’t know much about it, or don’t think that it’s applicable to a typical yeshiva classroom. This session will provide teachers with an understanding of the methodology and approaches presented by Montessori …

Differentiation for the Busy Teacher (Grades K-5)
Are you looking to differentiate instruction to meet the diverse needs of your students Do you have concerns about it being too time consuming and complicated, or about it not being “fair”? In this webinar these concerns and obstacles to differentiation will …

Making Chumash Come Alive in a Classroom of Diverse Learners
Teachers have to teach Chumash skills to diverse learners, so one-size-fits-all strategies do not always work. In this practical and creative workshop, learn about ways of teaching all of your students the skills they need to master the Chumash lesson, ways to …

A+ for Teachers: Understanding and Creating Effective Assessments
Tests and quizzes are part and parcel of almost every learning environment, and information gleaned from assessment goes far beyond the letter or number grade. Teachers will learn how to use assessment information to effectively direct instruction both for the class and …

Classroom Management and Proactive Practices
Get off to a strong start this year when it comes to classroom management. This workshop will cover specific strategies, procedures, and teaching techniques to effectively prevent classroom disruptions and allow for effective teaching.

The Math/Brain Connection: Using Current Cognitive Research to Inform Instruction for Struggling Math Learners
The results of ground-breaking brain research now play a role in early detection of future math learning disabilities allowing for targeted early intervention. This workshop will look at the spatial ordering system which governs qualitative number sense, how challenges manifest in the …

Take Note: Note Taking Skills and Strategies
Do your students have trouble taking notes effectively? Are their notes acting as study tools? Become a game-changer in the life of your students! This webinar will help you simplify and effectively give instruction for the use of guided notes, Cornell notes, …

The Art of Teaching Rashi to the Struggling Student: Demands and Strategies
What do we expect from our students when teaching Rashi in the elementary school classroom? What demands and expectations are built into a child’s decoding and comprehension of Rashi and where are the breakdowns for children who struggle? This webinar examines the …

Guided Reading in the Early Grades
Guided Reading, a teaching approach used with a small group of students, is designed to help individual students read increasingly challenging texts over time. This webinar will focus on the specific elements of a guided reading lesson. Participants will learn how to …

Creating Socially Healthy and Welcoming Classrooms – The Best Bully-Buster!
In this webinar, teachers will consider pro-active approaches that build a sense of community and caring in the classroom. Particular attention will be paid to the unique contribution the teacher can and should make in setting the emotional tone in the classroom. …

Internet Treasures and Tools for Literacy and Writing
A variety of free, online technologies exist to help scaffold the writing process for students of all ages. This HSWOW webinar will show teachers a toolkit of websites to help them differentiate their instruction for learners who are struggling with organization, grammar, …

Higher Order Thinking
Frequently misunderstood and always a concern of school administrators, Higher Order Cognition (HOC) is a very important pathway of learning. Teachers want to emphasize the importance of higher order thinking in their lesson planning but often they don’t understand the different aspects …

Ecology of the Classroom
Interactions between people and their environment, also known as ecology, must also be considered when thinking about student success in the classroom. Classroom ecology has a major impact on student achievement. Now that school has been underway for a few months, we …

What’s the Big Idea: Developing Reading Comprehension Skills
Reading comprehension, the process of constructing meaning through active interaction with a text, is the ultimate goal of reading instruction. This HSWOW webinar will focus on various areas of reading comprehension, such as predictions and prior knowledge, questioning, summarization, think-aloud and visualization, …

Internet Treasures and Tools
Technology plays a major social and educational role in schools today. This HSWOW webinar will show teachers how to capitalize on their students’ love of technology to improve their educational outcomes. An abundance of FREE educational resources and web 2.0 tools will be introduced …

Assessment and Differentiated Instruction
For differentiation to happen, teachers need to gather and utilize information about their students. Information should relate to students’ readiness, interests, and learning profiles. Pre-, formative and summative assessments provide teachers with the data to plan meaningful learning experiences for all students. …

Non Frontal Review Techniques for the Classroom
Do you want to add more games and other fun activities to your classroom repertoire? Research shows that kids learn better when they enjoy what they learn. When students play games with material that they are learning, they take ownership and generalize …

Teaching Reading to Students with Diverse Reading Levels
This course will focus on the complex skill of reading. The stages of reading development will be explored as well as the various methods to teach reading to children at different levels. A focus of the session will be on the creation …

Mid-Year Modifications to Your Classroom to Enhance Student Success
It’s December. Now that you’re familiar with your students, this is the perfect time to step back and ask “How can I modify my classroom to further enhance my student’s success?” Using a neurodevelopmental lens, we will consider the demands involved with …

Core Classroom Practices in Judaic and General Studies that Reflect an Appreciation for All Kinds of Learners in the Classroom
Good teaching utilizes a number of core instructional techniques to manage individual student difference in the classroom. By identifying and utilizing these core strategies, and understanding their neurodevelopment underpinnings, both targeted individual students and whole classes will benefit.

How to Ask Questions that Stimulate Students to Think and Learn
When you hear an expert teacher question students it may sound deceptively easy. It is not. Learning how to ask powerful questions of students is a very valuable skill and like any other skill, takes time and deliberate practice to develop. In …

Cooperative Learning: A Way to Differentiate Your Instruction and Enhance Your Students’ Engagement (part 1)
Cooperative learning is an approach to learning that has attracted national attention. It is designed to support high levels of engagement within carefully designed small groups of learners. Many teachers need support in order to develop and implement effective cooperative learning strategies. …

Cooperative Learning: A Way to Differentiate Your Instruction and Enhance Your Students’ Engagement (part 2)
Cooperative learning is an approach to learning that has attracted national attention. It is designed to support high levels of engagement within carefully designed small groups of learners. Many teachers need support in order to develop and implement effective cooperative learning strategies. …

Reading Comprehension Strategy Instruction: Enhancing Understanding of Text
Reading is about understanding and processing; therefore, without comprehension, real reading does not occur. Learn effective comprehension strategies to help your students access prior knowledge, set a purpose for reading, organize information and make meaningful connections to narrative and expository text. This …

Transitions happen all the time. Most adults have learned to cope and strategize, either from past experiences or by seeking support from people and resources. Children, on the other hand, require the teacher’s leadership, support and explanation to cope with the variety …

Analyzing Your Teaching Style
Participants will briefly analyze their own neuro-developmental profiles. They will identify strengths weaknesses and strategies that they use in their teaching and consider the primary neuro-developmental demands of their teaching style for either the subject that they teach or an upcoming lesson. The material …